Trestalone Acetate 50 MENT
Brand: Intex Pharma
Product Name: Intex MENT-A 50
Product Contains: Trestalone Acetate 50mg/ml
Benefits of Trestalone Acetate
- Rapid Muscle Growth
- Increased Strength
- Increased Size
- Increased Focus
- Less Fatigue
- Increased Recovery
- Increased Pumps in the Gym
Brand: Intex Pharma
Product Name: Intex Ment A 50
Product Contains: Trestalone Acetate 50mgml
Laboratory Test Results of Intex Pharma Trestalone Acetate
Benefits of Trestalone Acetate
- Product: Ment (Trestalone Acetate) 50mg
- MENT the Monster Steroid!
- Extremely Powerful Anabolic Steroid
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- Shred Fat Away ASAP
- Drastic Increase in Strength
- Highly Anabolic Compound
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