Rip 150 Genuine Pharma Grade


Brand: Intex Pharma
Product Name: Intex Rip 150
Product Contains:
Trenbolone Acetate 50mg
Drostanolone Propionate 50mg
Testosterone Propionate 50mg

10ml Multi Dose Vial

Benefits of Rip Blend 150

  • New Lean Muscle Tissue
  • Extremely Powerful Anabolic Blend
  • Rapidly Pack on Lean Muscle
  • Shred Fat Away with Fast Acting Esters
  • Increase in Strength
  • Highly Anabolic Compound
  • Dont be fooled by Claims of other Rip Blends – they rarely have the right MG and sometimes only 2 of the 3 steroids in them
  • Use Intex Rip – we know its legit


Brand: Intex Pharma
Product Name: Intex Rip 150
Product Contains:
Trenbolone Acetate 50mg
Drostanolone Propionate 50mg (Commonly known as Masteron)
Testosterone Propionate 50mg

10ml Multi Dose Vial
Genuine Rip Blend Delivering Guaranteed Results

Laboratory Test Results of Intex Pharma Rip 150

Benefits of Rip Blend 150

  • Product: Rip 150 Blend
  • New Lean Muscle Tissue
  • Extremely Powerful Anabolic Blend
  • Rapidly Pack on Lean Muscle
  • Shred Fat Away with Fast Acting Esters
  • Increase in Strength
  • Highly Anabolic Compound
  • Buy Intex Rip 150